Wellington Area Captain started the topic Defence v Diplomats Golf Tournament in the forum Wellington Area 7 years, 11 months ago
Good morning all,
Last Friday we finally hosted the Defence v Diplomats Golf Tournament for 2016 after 3 attempts. 29 players from Defence and Diplomats enjoyed the good weather and good company at Te Marua, the golf was secondary! Big thanks to all that came out and supported this event, it’s important that we keep this relationship strong.
Here are the results for the day:
Overall winners: Defence with 363 points v Diplomats with 348 points. Defence retain the trophy although no one seems to know exactly where it is. If you know where it is, let me know but it appears to have been missing for a few years.
Top four from each team:Defence
W/O Chris Mitchell 42
Chaplain Darren O’Callaghan 39
Chaplain Brendan Drew 38
Mr Neil Rush 37Diplomats
Mr Jim Walsh 40
AIR CDRE (Rtd) Gavin Howse 37
AVM (Rtd) David Hill 36
Mrs Diane Kong 36We had 3 people in the Callaway competition, if you want to know how this works, I suggest using Google, or give me a call. Here are the results:
Mr Masunu Tuisila Gross: 81 Callaway net: 72
WO1 Sam Koopu Gross: 99 Callaway net: 74
Angelus Tay Gross: 101 Callaway net: 78
There were 4 twos for the day, none by defence. Congratulations to AVM (Rtd) David Hill, Mr Len Kong, Mr Geoff Ward and Mr Masunu Tuisila.Talking with David, the next Def v Dip will be in September. We’ll work on a date and let you know what suits. Let’s hope the rain stops by then.
Inter-services golf is on this week, good luck to all those playing!
Due to all the holidays this month (Easter, ANZAC day), the next club day is not until 03 MAY 17 and will be in Trentham. Add this to your calendar now!
If anyone is keen for a round of golf during the Easter break, let me know as I’m keen. Shandon has a Grabone deal -$25 for a round of golf and a beer!
Happy golfing!